Half Day Activities (3 Hours):

What better way to start off school camp than with a bushwalk! Create a sense of anticipation as well as foster a connection with nature as students walk in to the Camp Sunnystones property through the Long Forest Conservation Reserve. Camp Sunnystones staff meet the group at the entrance to Long Forest Reserve (75 Canopus Circuit, Merrimu), while the bus ferries the luggage around to camp (98 Possumtail Run, Merrimu). A great first activity to get the kids excited about being in the outdoors!
Camp Sunnystones offers a fully led program with activities catered to your group size and age range. Here are some example programs, but if you are interested in a program for your group please enquire through our contact us page. We will assist you in organising a program that can be adjusted to your group using any of the activities mentioned below.
Activity Program
Example 3 Day Activity Program for 50 - 70 Students
Example 3 Day Program for
50 - 70 Students
with Camp out

This is a hugely popular game that is suitable for all ages. The game is set in a 5 acre square of privately owned bushland on the edge of the campgrounds. The game is designed to help the participants understand life in the bush from an animal’s point of view. Participants work together in groups to locate, hunt and hide from other teams in an attempt to win the game.

Students work together in teams to build a bush shelter. Students learn about bush survival skills and enjoy a morning or afternoon tea of damper and billy tea around a fire. This activity is universal and can be used for all ages, you'll be surprised with how creative your students can be!

Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea of the activity is to locate hidden containers, known as geocaches, that are dispersed in the outdoor geocaching course area and, obtain items from each to add to their own container. Students work together in teams using their GPS to find a number of waypoint locations that will take them to the hidden geocaches and assist in their journey of discovery.

This half-day bushwalk was conducted by Bruce Salau, who was an institution here at Camp Sunnystones. Sadly, Bruce is no longer with us, and we can’t do the walk justice, but we do our best to give the walk as much life as Bruce did. Bruce was a real character who told students funny stories and whimsical poems along the way. Bruce’s knowledge of the Long Forest was second to none, and we try to pass on some of his knowledge to students on geological descriptions, aboriginal legends, sustainability, environment facts and fauna and flora appreciation.

Rotation Activities (45 - 90 Minutes):

Archery involves small groups of students learning the finer skills of this addictive sport. Camp Sunnystones uses high quality re-curve bows which develops a high level of accuracy and ease of use. Students from grade 3 right through to adults find this activity very enjoyable. A great activity for challenging yourself and seeing if you can hit the bullseye!

Canoeing is a fantastic activity that is undertaken on our 4 megalitre dam. Basic canoeing skills are taught in a practical manner leading into games, teamwork, and a whole lot of fun for the session! Especially popular in Terms 1 & 4, though can be suitable all year round depending on the weather.

The ropes course consists of 9 linked challenges that each group works their way around. Groups have one person on each challenge at a time and are aided by spotters to manoeuvre their way around the course. The goal is to complete the course without touching the ground with fun games added into the mix that make it suitable for grade 2’s (with a bit of help) and above.

Raft building is the ultimate activity for fun and teamwork. The rafts are built by the students under the supervision and guidance of Sunnystones staff. Students build their rafts using minimal materials (logs, barrels and rope) with the aim of building a raft that will float on the water! The amount of guidance given depends on the group, ranging from a large amount of assistance through to no assistance at all!

In this enjoyable activity students can experience making food over the campfire including making chocolate cake in an orange! - yum! Students use foil to cover their food and place it on the open campfire to cook. This is a great chance to build connections, bond and have a chat with the students as you wait for the food to be done.

Students enjoy foraging around outside to find natural resources to create a piece of artwork they can take home as a camp memento! Students often enjoy this as a quiet times activity and it’s a chance to let their creative juices flow!

Our custom-made bouldering wall is a fantastic entry point into rock climbing or just fun and enjoyment in its own right. Students are challenged to make their way across the wall with fun games implemented to suit all age groups!

Dreamweaver is a small course in the shape of a six-point star. It is made up of interweaving ropes with a total of four potential courses. Students are connected to the rope and tasked with weaving their way over, under and through their chosen course and making it back to the starting point.

Students can enjoy the experience of camping out under the stars and enjoy each other’s company around a campfire. Students learn the skill of setting up their own tent and other important aspects of bush camping. Groups can be split up, with one group sleeping in the camp and the other group camping out and swapping over for the next night.

If your aim is to develop your student’s level of cooperation and teamwork, this is the activity for you. Each team is faced with a series of physical and mental challenges that they must overcome together to progress to the next activity, whilst battling against the clock.

We have our very own beach volleyball court and facilities out near the Eucalypts! Beautiful on a sunny afternoon as a way to wind up or wind down. This is a great activity suitable for all age groups and an excellent opportunity to develop teamwork, coordination and physical fitness. Not to mention a lot of fun!

At Camp Sunnystones we believe that it is important for children to learn to work together. It is also important that they learn to value each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We have a variety of team building activities, which help to develop good cooperation and teamwork.